Strategic Partnership Networks

Strategic Partnership Networks

With many years of experience in the organization of mobility projects

recognized by institutions and other training institutions throughout Europe, FORTES Impresa Sociale is actively involved in strategic partnerships funded by the European Union in the field of continuous training and international exchange experiences.


 Project Make it Happen 2 n. 2022-1-FR01-KA220-VET-000089986

The main goal of  the project is to promote and develop inclusive mobilities for VET disabled learners. Indeed, the access to employment and training offered for disabled citizens remains below the average rate. This project will address the identified issues (lack of information, lack of human resources, prejudices and lack of funds for special needs)  and come up with innovative solutions. The main goals of this project are therefore to promote mobility opportunities among VET sheltered and mainstream environments, to empower mobility referents on mentoring disabled learners with special needs and to empower social workers/trainers  and educational staff in charge of disabled learners training.

Involved partners: Cap Ulysse (applicant), ENGIM PIEMONTEFORTES Impresa Sociale SrlINTERNATIONAL CONSULTING AND MOBILITY AGENCY SOCIEDAD DE RESPONSABILIDA D LIMITADAASSOCIACIO ALBAEUROYOUTH PortugalEscola Profissional Agricultura e Desenvolvimento de VagosSolaris Foerderzentrum fuer Jugend und Umwelt gGmbHEUROPEAN FORUM OF TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAININGAuto Union Chemnitz e.V.

Project HED-RES-EU "Digitization of Higher Education for Renewable Energy Systems in Europe" n° 2021-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000032149

The overall aim of the project is to develop and transfer experimental and innovative teaching methods contributing to the quality of renewable energy education to fill the gap between the growing industry demand for specialized renewable energy expertise and the skills currently available on the job market. Since a global revolution in the energy sector is occurring with rapidly declining technology costs, many countries and countless subnational and local governments are committing to renewable and sustainable energy targets today.



Project HACK4Society: Digital Hackathon Training Events in the Service of E-Learning Solutions for the post Covid-19 Society

The social crisis created by the COVID-19 pandemic raised the awareness and recognition that VET has a much bigger role to play in innovation, digitalisation and social skills. Within this context we are introducing a bottom up approach and provide VET Professional and Learners the floor to propose e-learning modules, training methodologies and techniques, that will create a better learning experience, creating a better e-learning environment. This is realized through the hackathon Events and the preparation of OER.


Project “CApacity building for success – foSTering youth professional realization and employability” Agreement number — 617332

The project is focused on youth employability and how to promote skills development through training. In line with the priority of the European cohesion policy to reduce youth unemployment, the project aims at bridging the gap between the needs and requirements of the MSMEs sector, market, education and employment.  The project designs blended learning courses for young people (18 - 30 years old) to prepare them according to the recommendations of the employers and their own profile for open and on-going qualification and personal development. For the dissemination of the sector-driven educational methods an E-platform has been implemented to provide sector-driven innovative bilingual open educational resources. 

Involved partnersFondacija za promovisanje nauke "PRONA" (applicant), Fortes Impresa Sociale, ZENTYR ZA IZSLEDVANE I ANALISIUdruzenje gradjana OsvezenjePro Global Science AssociationDRUSTVO ZA ISTRAZIVANJE I RAZVOJ (DIR)QENDRA PER PROMOVIMIN E KONKURRUESHMERISE, GAUSS INSTITUTE - FOUNDATION FOR NEW TECHNOLOGIES INNOVATIONS. 



Project VET Mobility Safeguarding Quality Charter for Europe Key Action 2 2020-1-UK01-KA202-079153

The main objective of the project is to maintain safe and secure mobility programmes for minors travelling abroad to undertake a period of study or vocational work placement, the Safeguarding Charter constitutes an inspiring set of minimum requirements that Vet Institutions need to meet in order to consider themselvessafeguarding focused.

Involved partners: Eurospeak Language School (applicant), Fortes Impresa Sociale, iED, Magenta ConsultoriaYouth Bridges Budapest

Project Creative Learning Space - Support and Exchange for long term Mobilities in VET KA202-5E218845

The "Pro Move II" project aims to significantly increase the number of longer-term learning stays abroad as part of vocational training and to attract the relevant actors (vocational schools, chambers, training institutions, companies, local and national decision-makers, but above all the trainees themselves to inform about this possibility. The project continues a project of the same name that was carried out by 6 of the project partners as a pilot project until September 2019 as part of a call by the European Commission.

Involved partners: Geb Gesellschaft für Europabildung (applicant), Fortes Impresa Sociale, Stichting de Plannenmakers, STAGE WITHIN EUROPEAN PROGRAMMES, S.L., Foyle International Ltd., SEMPER AVANTIEUROYOUTH Portugal, ASOCIATIA FILANTROPIA ORADEA, ALFMED, Obchodni akademie a Jazykova skola s pravem statni jazykove zkousky


Progetto KA2 MovAbility - n° 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007790

FORTES is the promoter of the strategic partnership project KA2 MovAbility, aimed at sharing experiences and studies on the most effective organizational models to offer also to young people with special needs an international mobility experience able to maximize the autonomy and potential of everyone. The project, carried out together with 7 partners from other European countries (Bulgaria, France, Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain), will last 2 years (2020-2021), during which regular meetings between the partners will be organized, but also stays abroad for the operators themselves, with the aim of studying and enhancing the best experiences and methodologies developed by the participants.


Progetto KA2 Make It Happen - n° 2019-1-FR01-KA202-063047

FORTES is partner in the KA2 project "Make It Happen", coordinated by Cap Ulysse in Bordeaux. This project brings together and compares 8 organisations from France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and Germany. Also in this case the focus is on the mobility of people with special needs and disabilities for learning and vocational training purposes. Officially launched at the end of February 2020 in Bordeaux, the "Make It Happen" project will continue until June 2022. Its objective is to strengthen collaboration between partners, promoting the sharing of best practices and knowledge of successful business cases and training realities in the field of inclusion and promotion of social equality.


FORTES whiteVia Verdi, 64 - Vicenza
tel. +39 0444 327887
Partita IVA 03581700246
R.I. Vicenza n. 03581700246 – REA n. VI 336723
Capitale sociale € 15.000,00 interamente versato


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