
Incoming mobility: new collaborations with Sweden and Germany

Incoming mobility: new collaborations with Sweden and Germany

Successful collaboration with Academedia, a Stockholm-based organization that coordinates more than 700 schools and adult education centers in Sweden and Northern Europe, has increased the number of participants received in Vicenza over the past 2 years. 

FORTES Impresa Sociale has organised short-term programmes (3-5 days) for about 300 Swedish students under the 'Erasmus+ for Schools' programme and job-shadowing programmes for about 100 teachers, also from Sweden.

The mobility of students, despite their short duration, allowed entire classes from various Swedish high schools to get to know Italian culture, learn about the Italian school system, but above all to compare and make friends with their peers from the hosting school. Thanks to the well-established network of schools around Vicenza, FORTES was able to carry out educational visits to several technical, professional and high schools offering non-formal learning activities with the aim of promoting sustainable development, youth entrepreneurship and inclusion. 

 The job-shadowing programmes, on the other hand, contributed to mutual professional development of the teachers. During the 3-day visit, the Swedish teachers had the opportunity to observe and compare different teaching methods, technologies used and learn good practices from their Italian colleagues. In addition supporting learning, these projects promote new insights into education, taking the host schools as an example, create conditions for welcoming Italian teachers, who are interested in job shadowing programmes abroad, and in this way contribute to the concrete realization of the much-desired European dimension of the school. 

The well-established collaboration with Academedia is completed by important partnerships with Germany, among them Education GmbH e GEB (Gesellschaft für Europabildung e.V.) in Berlin.  

We would like to thank the schools, listed below, that have contributed to the success of these projects, hopes that these collaborations will increase:

ITET Pasini, Schio
IIS A. Da Schio, Vicenza

ITA A.Trentin, Lonigo

Liceo Scientifico Paolo Lioy, Vicenza

Liceo Don Giuseppe Fogazzaro, Vicenza
ITE Guido Piovene, Vicenza

IIS Tron Zanella, Schio

IIS S. Bertilla Boscardin, Vicenza

IPSIA F. Lampertico, Vicenza

ITI Galileo Galilei, Arzignano

I.I.S. Da Vinci, Arzignano

Liceo G.B. Brocchi, Bassano

Liceo F. Corradini, Thiene

IIS Rosselli-Sartori, Lonigo

IIS Silvio Ceccato, Montecchio Maggiore

Researching and organising training placements is the activity that has characterised the Incoming department since its establishment. However, in the last 2 years, thanks to these new collaborations, there was a significant increase in the number of requests for short-term customised training programmes for learners and teaching staff of pre-school and secondary schools.  This has led to a strengthening of the services offered and an expansion of the partner network, which in turn has improved the quality of the offer and increased the know-how of FORTES Impresa Sociale.

FORTES whiteVia Verdi, 64 - Vicenza
tel. +39 0444 327887
Partita IVA 03581700246
R.I. Vicenza n. 03581700246 – REA n. VI 336723
Capitale sociale € 15.000,00 interamente versato


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