Via Verdi, 64 - Vicenza
tel. +39 0444 327887
Partita IVA 03581700246
R.I. Vicenza n. 03581700246 – REA n. VI 336723
Capitale sociale € 15.000,00 interamente versato
Event organized by FORTES "Greening the Future: Promoting sustainability through Erasmus+ cooperation."
On Friday, December 1st, 2023, the "Greening the Future: Fostering Sustainability Through Erasmus+ Cooperation" event was held in Elevator Innovation Hub, Vicenza's first coworking and shared innovation technology hub.
The event aimed at celebrating the achievements, encouraging a debate and initiating a dialogue on green matters, a high priority of the Erasmus Plus program. This was done through the presentation and exchange of good practices developed by 3 consortia of Higher Secondary Institutes, with the collaboration and support of FORTES acting as a supporting body.
During the course of the morning a series of speeches centered on the theme of sustainability approached from different angles were held.
After an introduction to the event by Dr. Cecchin, director of Fortes, Dr. Francesca Trani, sustainability manager of the INAPP National Agency, recalled the priority of green issues in the Erasmus+ program and how they apply to VET mobility. Afterwards, the three consortia Forest4Life, Green Thinking and Euroexp took the floor dealing respectively with the following topics: environmental sustainability, industrial sustainability and landscape and cultural sustainability with reference to their own reality and shedding light on characteristic aspects of their projects.
Next, Dr. Daniela Callegaro of Banca Etica shared a deep reflection on the sustainability in finance, inviting those attending to question the ethicality of their own economic choices.
To conclude, Dr. Michele Ferretto and Dr. Francesco Busato of the social cooperative Biosphaera, active in the field of cultural services, science education and community services, took the floor. Their intervention was preparatory for the afternoon activity concerning hydrogeological risk, a current issue relevant to our territory.
Lastly, Dr. Nicolas Negretti of the EUROPEAN Network of Agricultural and Forestry Institutes in connection from Luxembourg presented the network and the proposed initiatives.
Activities resumed in the afternoon, under the expert guidance of Biosphaera, which proposed to the teachers and trainers present an educational workshop that they could replicate in their own institutes with colleagues and learners. The topic of hydrogeological risk, addressed in an interactive manner, positively involved all participants who actively contributed to the development of the activity.
The day ended with celebrations of the Forest4Life consortium's 10-year Erasmus+ Project.